Program Area


Our Environment program aims to limit the effects of global climate change. We support research and policy work, campaigns to raise public awareness and encourage action, and the development of sustainable technologies. 

The Foundation also engages in collaborative relationships to conserve and sustain land in Hawaii and the American West, and to protect oceans and ensure access to clean and healthy water for all.

Environment Grants

See our program areas

The Nature Conservancy – Hawaii Palmyra Chapter

City & County of San Francisco

Kuaʻāina Ulu ʻAuamo (KUA)

Hawai’i Land Trust

Ocean Conservancy

Trust for Public Land - Hawaiian Islands Program

Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement

Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, Berkeley Law

Hawaii Community Foundation

Climate One

Indigenous Environmental Network

Movement for Black Lives, The Black Hive

Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice

Climate and Clean Energy Equity Fund

Outdoor Afro

Powershift Network